Thursday, January 13, 2011

Top Ten Predictions

My first post of the new year: Top Ten Predictions for the Stone Family!

10. None of my predictions will really happen since I stink at predicting things! It's more like wishful thinking:)!

9. Baby Annabelle will ace the Babywise technique and Jordan and I will be able to sleep through the night by 7-9 weeks.

8. Kickboxing will become my favorite post-baby exersise. Do they have a Wii version? Hmmmm.....

7. My parents and in-laws will experience what it is like to travel with as much luggage as I do. Sorry guys!

6. I will convince Jordan to go skiing in Beirut this winter.

5. Annabelle will be born with a head full of hair. Not that it matters if she is or not, but Jordan and I both had lots of baby fuzz.

4. Jordan will surprise me with an Anthro gift card for my birthday..hint, hint!

3. I will cry like a baby when we go back to Florida this summer. First Watch Cafe, the palm trees, the thunder storms, Coral Ridge Church, the beach...yup!

2. My sister will have the trip of a lifetime when she visits Cairo! She will wonder how it is that a clean freak like myself has lived in the Big Dirty for 2 years!

1. I will be pregnant with our second child.

I can't wait to see Jordan's reaction to #1 when he reads this!

1 comment:

  1. I love 6th!
    I agree with you Annabelle needs brother or sister:)exited..I love your new year plan
