Not bad for Egypt, right?! We walked into the store and all the baby furniture was ridiculously expensive and ugly. Just when we decided to give up and buy our furniture from the states, the sales man brought us to the back room to a giant box and told us it's the last model and has been discounted. He said they must get rid of the box to make room in the back...kind of shady sounding! He described us the contents of the box and showed us a picture of the set, but we weren't able to actually see if it was the same set until it was delivered. Turns out, we got a great deal and it was all worth the risk...and let me tell you, it was heart-pounding risky not knowing what we would be getting! We've seen neon green and salmon colored furniture sets for 8,000 LE....barf!
The picture with the suitcase and diaper bag on top is what we are taking to the hospital. I'm not quite sure I'm done with her nursery. I would love to get a book shelf for that wall where the suitcase is, but hubby says he is done furniture shopping until we move to Lebanon. I would also like a skinny night stand to put next to the chair so I can set things on top of it when I'm feeding Annabelle, but unless I find one sitting alongside a curb, I think I will have to manage without. We do have a rotting wooden children's desk sitting on our roof that I am hoping to refinish, so maybe I'm in luck! I also might be on the hunt for a rug. Egypt is full of awesome, cheap textiles and I might be able to convince Jordan to spare $5.
Getting excited!!! 2 more weeks until I'm in my 9th month!
Looks perfect for her!!! :) XOXOXO