Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just the norm

John's back in Cairo on business, but only for three days and without Selen. She had to stay in Rotterdam and work :( I miss her! I apparently grew since earlier in January when John saw me last night, I got a "You're HUGE!" which I love to hear!! I am big! Annabelle sticks out so much I sometimes wonder if I need to put my hand under my belly to support her when I walk. She is heavier than I expected which is causing me lots of back pain:( Tylenol and laying on my side usually does the trick.

We should be getting her chair for her nursery today! Her room will be complete, minus the stuff my in-laws and parents are bringing over. I will make it a point to post pics as soon as Homecenter delivers the chair!

It's very chilly in our house because it's been rainy, overcast and cold (we still live in the desert, right?) The tile on the floors that keep the house relatively cool in the summer are making it seem like we live in a refrigerator. Burrr! I am thankful for house shoes and cozy robes!

This week we are meeting with a pediatrician. The phone conversation went something like this:

Jordan: We would like to make an appointment to speak to the pediatrician.
Receptionist: Did you get a boy?
Jordan: Not yet, my wife is still pregnant and we are having a...
Receptionist: Your boy will not be at the appointment?
Jordan: .....No
Receptionist: Okay, see you Wednesday after 7pm.

This will be fun.

1 comment:

  1. rainy and cold!!!are you sure to live in desert? woou this is end of the world :)and I want to add, you are not big. I havent seen yet such a beutiful mom like you.

    here is cold believe me, portia (our egyptian cat) is on the heater.
