Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time to diet, sort of

Yesterday, Jordan and I started the South Beach Diet to kick out some bad food habits that come along with traveling and being pregnant :).  I'm not supposed to diet since I'm the supplier of milk for my darling daughter, but I started looking at what they have as a menu and it has more food than what I would normally eat and TONS of vegetables. The only thing I need to add are nuts and yogurt(more protein and good fat to keep my calorie count higher).

We bought a BMI scale the other day and I'm pretty happy with my weight(It's slowly going back to what I weighed before Annabelle), but my BMI is too close to the overweight percentage for me to be comfortable with.  It's in the normal range, but still something to keep an eye on.  I guess my muscle turned into fat when I stopped exercising 9 months ago.  I've been taking walks, but the weather has been cold and rainy lately.  I guess I will have to do what I've done in the past: SHOP!! No, seriously...have you walked the length of the mall carrying shopping bags and an oversized purse?! In heels?! It's hard work!   

I hope to report back in 6 months of being on this diet and see if things have changed. I'm sure I will start to morph into a giant broccoli.


  1. Be careful there K - the South Beach diet works by eliminating carbs. You need to have carbs in your diet on some level, so make sure that by adding "extra protein" to this diet, you aren't eating too much protein, which is extremely bad for you and your heart.

    Yes, the diet does allow you to eat "good carbs," which is a good thing, but just be aware that carbs are the bodies main source of fuel. Fruits, Veggies, and whole grains should not be eliminated under any circumnstances, especially for someone like you who has a history of high blood pressure.

    i'm not a doctor, but I would recommend Weight Watchers. You can do it online and it teaches balanced eating, rather than restricting food groups. I've been learning about this while studying for my personal training exam and it is much easier to make a change for life.

    At the end of the day, South Beach is a fad diet. It isn't going to be a success unless you change for life. And you need to be careful with fad diets.

  2. hey friend, give yourself grace! your baby is still so hasn't been that long since you've had her!! you have plenty of time to get back to where you want to be...for reals! you look beautiful! and it's so worth it all...even though now molly is a year and I still would like to drop 10 more pounds...there is grace! taking it one day at a time! :) nursing is totally helpful too in dropping the weight! :) keep going with that, and ENJOY your sweet baby girl!! go on walks with your baby too! helped me to get outside when molly was so little!! love you so much and can't wait to meet your little girl and see you! hopefully in August!? let's try to talk on the phone again soon! love you, dear sisterfriend!
