Saturday, October 2, 2010


I was at the doctor yesterday and I was explaining to her that I have been very anxious about everything and not able to sleep well at night. We were asking her a ton of questions like we do every session and I found myself interrupting mid-sentence to ask another question. She then turned to Jordan and asked if I was anxious before getting pregnant. Sadly, yes!

I figured it would help to write out exactly what I am anxious about and pray over one area at a time. Thank goodness I am not in control and the Lord is! I need Him to remind me every time I start to worry that He has a plan!

Here is my list. Please pray that I would not have these burdens on my heart for very long:

1. Terrified of labor (watched some real birth videos and they just look so painful!)
2. Not being able to feel the baby move yet
3. Trying not to get sick from all the germs at school
4. Not doing enough around the house
5. Overdoing it at work
6. The empty nursery (more like a storage room)
7. The stuff we have to do in the states in one week
8. The mess of paperwork it takes to get our child a passport
9. Convincing Jordan that I need new shoes (my feet are seriously getting bigger)
10. My never-ending to-do list (this is before a baby...ahhhh)


  1. Ya know, I bet Jordan can help with #4, #6, and #8. Put him to work!!!! Relax, breathe, it'll all work out.

  2. Dear Kristina, You need peace from all of this worrying. =) God can give you peace that passes all of 'our' understanding. I have experienced it at different times of my life and it is an amazing gift that only HE can give! You, however, must be willing to truly accept it. =) Embrace the peace!! I will be praying with you about it. Much love to you all, Julie
