Loving this Friday morning! Annabelle is taking her morning nap and I have some rare time to write!
Yesterday I had a migraine. I tend to get them with nausea and sensitivity to light and they always last for 8 hours or more despite medicine. It messes with my vision right before the pain sets in, so I have about 30 minutes to prepare. I got things "ready" for my incapacitation: Laundry done, baby fed, dinner ready. I called the babysitter, she showed up minutes later, I handed her a schedule and the baby and got in bed. I prayed out loud (probably scared the sitter) that the Lord would heal my pain fast and then I fell asleep for an hour. When I woke up, my migraine was gone. Praise the Lord!
I've been reading A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller. Great book if you are like me and are allergic to praying out loud. It makes me SOOOO uncomfortable, even to the point where if someone asks me to pray out loud in a group, my husband jumps in and prays instead. He is a good man! Taking the bullet for me. Praying out loud shouldn't be like getting shot and it isn't about me or how I sound. Hence why this book is so helpful. :)
I need Jesus, what else can I say! I hope He uses me as a prayer warrior for all the folks out there that need healing, answers, and comfort from the Lord (I need it daily!!). Give grace to me as I stumble through my words, messy and undone, childlike and awkward. To Jesus, maybe it sounds just right.
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